

Prof. Wilhelm Stoll's conference October 1984.
The picture and key (of Wilhelm Stoll's 60th birthday) is provided by Bernard Shiffman.

This was either Prof. Stoll's birthday or retirement. The picture was provided by Jack Hirschfelder

Front row: Wayne Wanxi Chen, Jack Hirschfelder, Julann O'Shea, Min Ru
Back row: Patrick Coulton, Cha-Chi Tung, Prof. Stoll, Ted Barth, Pit-Man Wong

Pit-Mann Wong's 60th Birthday Conference Photos

The following photos were provided by Junjiro Noguchi.

1981: This is a picture of Wilhelm with Prof. K. Stein and Junjiro Noguchi on the occasion of an interntaional conference Hanzou, China in 1981.
1988: This is a group photo of an interntaional conference at RIMS, Kyoto, organized by S. Nakano (center front).
1991: This is a photo of Wilhelm, Pit-Man and Junjiro Noguchi when
I visited N.D. in an early summer of 1991.

1994: This was a photo on the occasion of Wilhelm's retirement conference
in the spring of 1994 with Wilhelm, Hans Grauert, Pit-Man and Junjiro Noguchi.

Conference Pictures:


Any one who has some pictures to share is welcome to send them to Judy Hygema at


Share your memories and fun times that you had with Prof. Stoll or Prof. Wong.

Prof. Stoll

Prof. Wong