A student scooping water from small ditch of water surrounded by grasses


The Opportunity of Inquiry

For scholars who share a common passion for inquiry because of what it can reveal about our world and ourselves, there is opportunity here.

Research at ND

A group of students singing while sunshine pours through the trees above them

Faith & Service

The Demands of Justice

Notre Dame is animated by a faith that inspires us to seek knowledge because of the powerful tool it can be to improve humankind.

Faith & Service at ND

A young man wearing a blue Notre Dame backback is looking down the length of the Great Wall of China


The Connected World

Notre Dame seeks to be in the world, and to bring the world to Notre Dame, because inquiry and scholarly exchange are enriched by the pursuit of cultural fluency.

Global Scholarship at ND

University News

Notre Dame At Work

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The logo for the Franco Family Institute for Liberal Arts and the Public Good features black and dark blue rectangles in a geometric pattern to the left of the name.

Centers and Institutes

Allison and Thomas Franco make transformative gift for Notre Dame institute advancing research excellence and public engagement in the liberal arts

Allison and Thomas Franco of New York City have made a transformative gift to the University of Notre Dame to endow an institute in the College of Arts & Letters that provides unparalleled support for faculty and student research and will significantly expand its commitment to catalyzing work that connects broadly and deeply with the public.

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A bald man in a dark suit and white collared shirt and tie faces forward. He has a serious expression. The U.S. flag and the Joint Chiefs of Staff flag are visible in the background.

Latest News

Adm. Christopher Grady, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to deliver Notre Dame’s 2025 Commencement address

Adm. Christopher Grady, the Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will be the principal speaker and receive an honorary degree at the University of Notre Dame’s 180th University Commencement Ceremony on May 18, Notre Dame President Rev. Robert A. Dowd, C.S.C., announced today. Grady, currently serving as the 12th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation’s second-highest-ranking military officer, graduated from Notre Dame in 1984 and received his commission through Notre Dame’s Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps.

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University Stories

Notre Dame In Focus

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A group of people stand at the top of the Trail of the Fallen near West Point, a steep hike that ends at a large mound of stones that have been carried up and placed in memory of soldiers who have died in military conflicts. In the foreground is the American flag.


Reasons to serve

History, West Point, and 9/11 memorial inspire ND ROTC students in New York